Ash Containers
Ash Containers are a practical but decorative way to handle and store hot coals and ashes from your fireplace or woodstove
Coal & Utility Hods
Great for use as a coal hod, wood hod, fatwood or kindling holder, parts container, feeder, decorative piece or as a planter
Log Baskets & Racks
Our line of Log Baskets, Racks, & Carriers make wood storage and toting both practical and decorative
Fireplace Grates
Fireplace grates hold burning logs and the accompanying hot embers and ashes safely and securely
Fireplace Screens
Fireplace Screens offer protection from flying embers and sparks and help keep small children and pets from getting too close to the fire
Fireplace Tools
Great selection of fireplace & woodstove tools in brass, black, pewter, copper, and bronze
Fireplace Andirons
Keep logs from tumbling out onto the floor and protect the floor of your fireplace from damage
Fireplace Bellows
Decorative and functional, fireplace bellows gives that puff of air you need to get the fire started
Popcorn Poppers
If you've never cooked popcorn over a fire, you are missing a special treat. Also roasts chestnuts
Fireplace Cements & Mortars
Cement, silicone sealant and mortar for stove, fireplace, and furnace repair