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76 Series Red Oil Lantern

Spacer Line 76 Series Red Oil Lantern

This Red Oil Lantern is perfect to use for camping trips, at hunting lodges, to light up a late picnic, or use during an emergency power failure. It makes for dependable indoor and outdoor lighting and it uses either a 3/8 inch or 1/2 inch wick. It would also look great sitting on a bookcase, mantle, or used in décor for the holidays. This Red Oil Lantern produces 7 candle power with 1/2 wick and will burn for about 11 hours w/ 1/2 inch wick and 15 hours w/ 3/8 inch wick.

The 76 Series Red Oil Lantern features:
Height - 10"
Fuel Capacity - 8 Oz.
Wick - 3/8" or 1/2"
Light Duration - 15 Hr
Candlepower - 7

Approved Fuels for Use: Liquid Paraffin, Lamp Oil, Kerosene, Citronella Oil. Do not use Coleman Fuel, Naphtha, Gasoline or White Gas.

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76 Series Red Oil Lantern
Item Number: A77357
Price: $16.99
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Shipping Weight: 6 lbs
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