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8lb Burlap Bag of Fatwood

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8lb Burlap Bag of Fatwood

8 lb. Burlap Bag with Tie String. Fatwood has been used in the South for many, many years to describe the amount of pitch (resin) in pine wood. Approximately 8" in length and 3/4" in diameter, fatwood is made from splitting the stumps of pine trees that contain a high concentration of natural resin. This organic, 100% natural resin allows the Fatwood to be started with a single match and gives a sustained flame. Our sticks are 100% natural with no chemicals or additives, making them a user and environmentally friendly product. Fatwood offers a safe, simple, and mess-free way to start any fire and is used in fireplaces, pellet fuel stoves, barbecues, wood/coal stoves and campfires.

Environmentally friendly
100% natural resin
Approximately 80-120 sticks
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8lb Burlap Bag of Fatwood
Item Number: B17402272
Price: $15.99
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Shipping Weight: 8 lbs
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8lb Burlap Bag of Fatwood